Sunday, February 25, 2007

A little absent Maybe?

Well, I received this beautiful abacus bracelet and stitch markers when I went to visit my friend By the hills. I had picked up a pasta maker for her in the city, which was no bother . . . Just a trip out of the house . .. and she gave me this beautiful abacus bracelet and stitch markers when I stopped to drop it off. :) Not to mention the yummy tea we had, although I believe good tea is not only the tea itself but also in the company you have with it too . . . So it's all good!
I have been in and out, and in and out and about the last little bit. Working on a few gift projects, so sorry I can not show them here as the receiver's read my blog . .. go figure huh?

Also patiently awaiting the directions for a baby quilt we are making in one of my groups. Should be fun, though I haven't felt much like sewing . .. I guess its that fun yarn I got . . . got me all occupied there .. .

So the socks for dad are still on the needles too . . . waiting patiently for me to return to them . .. LOL eventually . . . you know .. . LOL

I also, received my book while I was in the city. Well I guess technically speaking James received my book for me. I ordered "Naughty needles" because I thought there should be some fun patterns in the book. And yes there are . . . Just have to take the time to read it maybe? LOL not just leaf through . .. ah well. I will get to that!
So off an running again. . . Catchya all later,

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